As smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices have continued to dominate our digital world ecosystem, there are\nmany industries using mobile or wearable devices to perform Augmented Reality (AR) functions in their workplaces in order to\nincrease productivity and decrease unnecessaryworkloads.Mobile-based AR can basically be divided into three main types: phonebased\nAR, wearable AR, and projector-based AR.Among these, projector-basedAR or SpatialAugmented Reality (SAR) is themost\nimmature and least recognized type of AR for end users. This is because there are a small number of commercial products providing\nprojector-based AR functionalities in amobile manner. Also, prices ofmobile projectors are still relatively high.Moreover, there are\nstill many technical problems regarding projector-based AR that have been left unsolved.Nevertheless, it is projector-based AR that\nhas potential to solve a fundamental problem shared by most mobile-based AR systems. Also the always-visible nature of projectorbased\nAR is one good answer for solving current user experience issues of phone-based AR and wearable AR systems.Hence, in this\npaper, we analyze what are the user experience issues and technical issues regarding common mobile-based AR systems, recently\nwidespread phone-based ARsystems, and risingwearableARsystems.Thenfor each issue,we propose and explain a newsolution of\nhow using projector-based AR can solve the problems and/or help enhance its user experiences. Our proposed framework includes\nhardware designs and architectures as well as a software computing paradigm towards mobile projector-based AR systems. The\nproposed design is evaluated by three experts using qualitative and semiquantitative research approaches.